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Column / 2020.09.30

YOLO JAPAN launches employee training program "YOLO Academia"

Aiming to improve the retention rate of foreign employees by teaching Japanese language and business manners

YOLO JAPAN Co., Ltd., Japan's largest media for foreigners living in Japan with over 160,000 registered members from 226 countries (CEO: Taisuke Kaji, Osaka headquarters: Naniwa ward, Osaka city, hereinafter "YOLO JAPAN"), is announcing the launch of "YOLO Academia," a training program for foreigners who have been hired by Japanese companies to learn Japanese language and business manners, and receive training according to their field of work.

YOLO Academia

YOLO Academia is a training service for foreigners who have been hired by Japanese companies that teaches Japanese language and business manners, as well as basic knowledge for their field of work. Foreign workers receive 5 hours of training per day for a total of 20 days (※1), and are taught the following program.

Theory - Business manners

Practice - Communication

Japanese knowledge according to field of work

In the "Theory - Business Manners" section, employees will learn everything from basic manners and rules, such as as proper grooming and greetings, to communicating over the phone and understanding labor laws. In the "Practice - Communication" section, they will deepen their understanding of formal language and honorifics, the "report - inform - consult" method, and the proper way to ask questions through role play exercises facilitated by the instructor. Finally, they will learn the basic knowledge and Japanese language required to carry out their duties in their specific field of work. Our instructors are from Meiko Network Japan Co., Ltd., a pioneer in private tutoring cram schools and operator of the largest cram school network in Japan. 

According to a survey (※2) conducted by YOLO JAPAN, 94% of foreigners living in Japan would like to receive Japanese language and work training before starting a job. In addition, we found out that over 70% of respondents felt that their Japanese proficiency was lacking. In light of this, YOLO Academia will train foreign workers in Japanese language and business manners so that they can immediately join the workforce and have a higher retention rate in Japanese companies.

We are currently holding the training program at YOLO BASE (※3)  in Shin-Imamiya, Osaka, and are planning to expand nationwide with a focus in Tokyo and Fukuoka.  

※1  The number of training days varies depending on the program. (Maximum training time is 100 hours)

※2  Questionnaire regarding foreigners working in Japan (conducted by YOLO JAPAN) Questionnaire period: June 26, 2019 - July 24, 2019 

Number of respondents: 636 people from 71 countries

※3  Inbound work training facility for foreigners operated by YOLO JAPAN

With this service, we are able to provide a one-stop destination for all of your needs, from hiring support through YOLO JAPAN's job listing media and our foreigner hiring seminar led by a foreign training employer, to YOLO Academia's training and subsidy application support.

Through our services, YOLO JAPAN will continue to contribute to the resolution of issues in the Japanese workforce and support sustainable development goals (SDGs) "8. Decent work and economic growth" and "10. Reduced inequalities."

YOLO Academia application page (for Japanese Companies)


■YOLO JAPAN Company Information

Company name: YOLO JAPAN Co., Ltd.
Address: 3-13-24, Ebisucho-nishi, Naniwa Ward, Osaka
Representative: Taisuke Kaji, CEO
Established: December 2004
Operating "YOLO JAPAN," information media for foreigners living and staying in Japan
Operating "YOLO BASE," the inbound work training facility for foreigners living and staying in Japan
Sharing English service to make use of free spaces
Market research regarding foreigners living, staying, studying, or visiting in Japan
Operating "YOLO HOME," the multilingual real estate information site for foreigners
