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Column / 2024.04.23

👑Top 10 Popular Prefectures For Non-Japanese Living in Japan

YOLO JAPAN conducts surveys on its "Short-term Job / Survey" targeting foreign residents in Japan.
This time, let's take a look at the top 10 popular prefectures based on the results of a survey "Which prefecture do you want to live in?".
Respondents: 306 YOLO JAPAN members residing in Japan (from 60 countries, including the Philippines, United States, and Indonesia)

#1 Tokyo
Tokyo, the capital of Japan, is the central hub for non-Japanese living in the country. It has the largest number of non-Japanese residents and workers nationwide.

The most common reason cited for wanting to live in Tokyo was "Many job opportunities (12.6%)". As the economic center of Japan, Tokyo is home to many corporate headquarters. Other reasons included "Everything is available (10.6%)" and "Easy access (9.6%)". The convenience of living in Tokyo seems to be a major draw for non-Japanese.

#2 Osaka
Osaka Prefecture ranked second for the following reasons: "Delicious food and drinks (11.8%)", "Many job opportunities (8.7%)", and "Everything is available (8.1%)".

Osaka Prefecture is known for its cuisines such as takoyaki, okonomiyaki, and kushikatsu, all available at affordable prices. The city's welcoming atmosphere, with its "Friendly locals (8.1%)" further enhances its appeal.

#3 Kanagawa
Many respondents gave the following reasons for wanting to live in Kanagawa Prefecture: "Everything is available (11.4%)" and "Many job opportunities (10.2%)".

Kanagawa Prefecture has several large shopping malls, offering a one-stop shop for all your daily essentials. It is also popular because of its "Easy access to major cities (9.1%)" making it an attractive choice for those who frequently visit Tokyo.

#4 Kyoto
The most common reasons for choosing Kyoto Prefecture were "Abundance of nature (17.3%)" and "Opportunities to experience Japanese culture (12.0%)".

Kyoto Prefecture is home to many natural wonders like Arashiyama with its famous cherry blossom spots and Kamo River offering breathtaking views. In addition to nature, there are also many traditional Japanese buildings such as shrines and gardens, allowing you to experience Japanese history and culture.

#4 (tie) Okinawa
Okinawa Prefecture was popular for the following reasons: "Relaxing (19.4%)", "Friendly locals (15.3%)", and "Pleasant climate (15.3%)".

Okinawa Prefecture consists of over 150 islands and is located in the south, giving it a warm climate. Surrounded by beautiful beaches and blue ocean, it is a place where you can relax and unwind. The people are also friendly and approachable, making it easy to enjoy interacting with the locals.

Prefectures ranked 6th and below include Fukuoka and Hokkaido, which are known for their delicious food and abundance of nature. Hokkaido, in particular, offers stunning snow-covered landscapes and a variety of outdoor activities.

Prefectures with many job opportunities and convenient living environments seem to be gaining popularity. It also appears that the presence of friendly locals is another important factor.

Is the prefecture you currently live on the list?
If you are planning to move to Japan or are considering a relocation, take a look at this article for reference!★

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