【User's Feedback】I participated in a travel monitor!

YOLO JAPAN offers monitor programs to try out new products and even travel for free! Here's an interview with user C, who recently participated in one of our monitor programs!
Q: Why did you come to Japan?
I met a Japanese friend when I studied abroad in the United States.
I learned that Japanese and American cultures are completely different, so I wanted to go to Japan.
I also thought that if I learned Japanese, I could get a good job in Taiwan.
Q: What was your purpose for registering with YOLO JAPAN?
I registered to find a part-time job.
I learned about YOLO JAPAN from posters at school and ads on websites.
Q: Please tell me about the content of the monitor you participated in.
I participated in a free Okayama Prefecture tour by myself and answered a questionnaire.
The tour was for two days, and on the first day we visited famous gardens and castles and watched traditional dances.
On the second day, we took a cutely designed train to a museum and did zazen (meditation) at a temple.
It was my first time to do zazen, so I was happy to have a valuable experience.
It was a wonderful tour where I could experience a lot of Japanese history and culture, so I wanted to participate in other monitors as well.
Q: How did you find out about that monitor?
I found it by seeing an email from YOLO JAPAN.
Q: Why did you participate?
Okayama is my friend's hometown, so going to Okayama was on my bucket list.
At first I was a little worried because there wasn't much information, but I decided to participate because I could go to Okayama for free.
Q: Please tell me your impressions of the monitor (difficulties and good things).
I had many experiences in Okayama.
In particular, I was moved to see traditional dances and taiko (drum) performances.
I was really glad to have an experience where I could feel the Japanese culture that I love.
Q: A message to those who have not yet participated in the monitor.
I highly recommend it!
There are monitors that not only allow you to experience new things, but also get paid!
Some people might find it hard to believe because in their home countries they don't have these kind of monitor program, but it's okay!
I had a lot of fun participating, so please don't be afraid to participate😊
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