【User's Feedback】I found a job at YOLO JAPAN!④

YOLO JAPAN is a job site for foreigners in Japan. You can select an area and work style to find a job that suits you.
In this time, we introduce an interview with user D, who found a job at YOLO JAPAN!
・When did you come to Japan?
I came to Japan in 2005 for a job as an aircraft engineer.
I have lived in Japan for about 19 years.
・How is life in Japan?
Japan is safe and easy to live in.
I enjoy every day and love living in Japan, this is my home.
・What are the difficulties living in Japan?
It is very difficult to fill out a lot of documents at the city office.
The documents are written in Kanji and it is very difficult to read, but now everything so much easier with smartphone.
Also, in Japan, the name on the passport and the name on the documents must be the same.
In the U.S., it is acceptable if it's not exactly right as long as my last name is there.
When I came to Japan in 2005, it was difficult because I did not understand Japanese, but someone was always there to support me.
・Did you have a hard time during the Covid?
I was working in aviation but had to stop working in Covid.
I was 60 years old at the time, so it was difficult to find a job.
I had been looking for a job at ”Hello Work” for about a year.
・Why did you decide to keep working?
The purpose is to earn money to live after retirement.
I wanted to do the same job I had before, but I thought I would not be hired because of my age
So I started looking for other jobs.
・Did you think about going back to the US in Covid?
It was easier to find work in the U.S. and I thought I would return to the U.S.
I have always wondered what I could do at my age.
But my partner is in Japan and I didn't want to work alone in the US.
・How did you hear about YOLO JAPAN?
When I was looking for a job, I came across the YOLO JAPAN website.
YOLO JAPAN has a lot of jobs, so I registered and looked for a job.
I want to work for another five years, so I applied for a few jobs and was hired by my current company.
・What is your current job?
I work as a traffic guard.
・Where do you work?
I work in Yokohama most of the time, but I go to many places.
Most places can be reached within an hour.
Transportation is provided.
・Why did you choose this job?
I applied for 5 or 6 jobs at YOLO JAPAN, and my current company found me.
In addition to traffic guard, I applied for customer service and other jobs.
I applied to many other sites but could not find a good job.
・How long have you been in the business?
I've been doing this job for a couple of months.
I work 3-5 days a week.
・Are there any other foreign staff?
Yes, I am. There are about two others besides myself, but most of them are Japanese.
My boss speaks a little English, so we speak Japanese and a little English.
・What is the hardest part of your current job?
Summer is hot and hard.
There are people older than me who work here, but no one complains.
Everyone is doing their best, and I have a lot of respect for them.
・What do you like about your current job?
I enjoy communicating with the people I work with.
They teach me a lot about Japan and the Japanese language and support me.
Now the company wants to add more foreign staff and wants me to be the leader of the foreign staff.
So I would like to work by example from now on!
Even though user D lost his job in Covid, he did not give up and found another chance to work at YOLO JAPAN.
It's wonderful to see them playing an active role no matter how old they are.
We are also encouraging user D to become a leader of the foreign staff in his current job!
Please try to find a job at YOLO JAPAN like user D.
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Click here to see a special feature on traffic guard jobs, like user D's.
Traffic Control Guard
Companies that have hired international staff can be found here.
Experienced in hiring international staff
For work for Japanese beginners, please see this feature.
Japanese beginer OK