【Working in Japan】How to write a resume (part-time job)

Each country has a different way to write a resume, but have you ever seen a Japanese resume? Japanese resume has a fixed format and can be downloaded online or purchased at convenience stores and 100-yen shops.
This time, we will explain how to write a Japanese resume.
Basic Rule:
・When writing by hand, use a black ballpoint pen. Please don't use erasable pen.
・When writing by hand, if you make a mistake, please rewrite it from the beginning. Do not use masking tape/pen.
・When writing by hand, please don't use photocopy machine.
・If you have nothing to write, write 「なし」“none”.
1) How to write the date on resume
・Write in Western calendar (YYYY/MM/DD).
2) 氏名(しめい)- Name
・Write your name in this order, 姓 (family name) and 名 (first name).
・Furigana: How to read. Above your name, write again your name in hiragana or katakana.
3) 生年月日(せいねんがっぴ)- Date of Birth
・Write in Western calendar.
4) 住所(じゅうしょ)- Address
・Write your current address.
・Write in this order, prefecture → municipality → address (→ apartment name and room number).
5) 学歴(がくれき)- Educational background / 職歴(しょくれき)- Work history
・Write your educational background and work history separately.
・Educational background : Write the name of the school or university, the month you entered, and the month you graduated.
・Work history : Write the name of the company you have worked for, the month you started, and the month you quit.
6)資格(しかく)- Qualifications
・Write the licenses and qualifications you have and the month you acquired them.
Example) Driver's license, JLPT, TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS, TOPIK, etc.
7)志望の動機(しぼう の どうき)- Reason for application
・Write down the reason why you want to work part-time. You can write what you want to learn and what kind of experience you want to have at your part-time job.
8)扶養家族数(ふよう かぞくすう)- Number of dependents
・Write down the number of family members that you support financially.
※Wife or husband is not included.
9)配偶者(はいぐうしゃ)- Spouse
・Spouse : Your wife or husband. Circle 「有」"Yes" if you have a spouse, and circle 「無」“No” if you do not.
10)希望職種(きぼう しょくしゅ)- Desired job
・Write down what kind of job and position you are interested in
Example) If it's a restaurant job
「キッチンスタッフ」"Kitchen staff"「接客」"Customer service"
You can also write,
「キッチン、ホールどちらでも大丈夫です。」"Kitchen or hall staff are okay"
11)本人希望記入欄(ほんにん きぼう きにゅうらん)- Personal preference entry field
・Write what you want to explain, such as educations and days of the week you want to work.
Q : What kind of pen do you use when writing your resume in Japan?
① Pencil
② Black Ballpoint Pen
③ Blue Ballpoint Pen
The answer is?★
② Black Ballpoint Pen
Please use a black ballpoint pen, as it may disappear if you write with a pencil.
If you don't feel confident to write with a ballpoint pen from the beginning, you can use a pencil to make a draft.