【Work in Japan】What is "福利厚生(Fukuri Kousei)" ?

福利厚生 - Benefits - is?
福利厚生(Fukuri Kousei)is money and services provided by the government or the company so that you and your family can live a healthy and happy life.
For example, when you get sick you can go to the hospital cheaply while receiving a salary. You can also take time off work to take care of your children.
1) People who receive 福利厚生(Fukuri Kousei)
福利厚生(Fukuri Kousei)is a service given for:
・Permanent employee
・Contract employee
・Part-time employee
And all working people.
2) Types of 福利厚生(Fukuri Kousei)
There are many types of benefits.
3 of the most commonly used are:
①保険 ほけん Hoken - Insurance -
②手当 てあて Teate - Allowance -
③休暇 きゅうか Kyuuka - Leave -
Will be introduced here
① 保険 ほけん Hoken - Insurance -
■健康保険 けんこうほけん Kenkou Hoken - Health Insurance -
This insurance is compulsory for everyone living in Japan.
When you go to the hospital for sickness or injury, you can see the doctor cheaply.
Your company or government (municipalities) will pay 70% of the cost.
■雇用保険 こようほけん Koyou Hoken - Employment Insurance -
This is one of the health insurances that you can join in the company you work for.
If you have this insurance, the company will pay the money on your behalf for the following cases:
・When you cannot go to work due to sickness or injury
・ When you quit the company and have no job
and etc
※Depending on the number of working days and hours, you may not be able to join.
② 手当 てあて Teate - Allowance -
■住宅手当 じゅうたくてあて Jyutaku Teate - Housing Allowance -
It is a system where the company pays for rent and moving expenses.
■通勤手当 つうきんてあて Tukin Teate - Commuting Allowance -
It is a system where the company pays transportation expenses.
※Some companies do not provide allowances, and the percentage of allowances differs depending on the company. Please check with the company you work for.
③ 休暇 きゅうか Kyuuka - Leave -
■有給休暇 ゆうきゅうきゅうか Yukyuu-Kyuka - Paid Leave -
It is a system that allows you to take time off from work while receiving a salary when you catch a cold or have other plans. Please check with your company how many days of paid leave you have.
■出産/育児休暇 しゅっさん/いくじ きゅうか Shussan/Ikuji Kyuka - Maternity/Parental Leave -
It is a system that allows employees to take time off from work while receiving a salary before their child is born or when raising a child. Please discuss with your company when and how long you want to take the day off.
※When taking leave, you need permission from the company. Please consult with the company before taking leave.
There are many types of benefits other than mentioned above.
Please check the details about benefits, as it is very important so that you and your family can live a happy life.
Q:What can people who have health insurance get?
①Take day off from work
②Receive transportation expenses
③Go to the hospital cheaply
The answer is?★
③Go to the hospital cheaply
① Is paid leave or maternity/parental leave. ② Explains about the commuting allowance.