【User's Feedback】I found a job at YOLO JAPAN!⑤

YOLO JAPAN is a job site for non-Japanese. You can select an area and work style to find a job that suits you.
In this time, we introduce an interview with user D, who found a job at YOLO JAPAN!
・When did you come to Japan?
I came to Japan almost five years ago.
This coming December will be my fifth year in Japan.
・Why did you choose to live in Japan?
My husband got a job in Japan.
He got a recommendation from his previous boss in the hotel industry.
At the beginning, I was not really interested in Japan.
To visit Japan was my husband's dream, but now I really like the life here.
・How is the lifestyle in Japan?
Everyone is so polite and disciplined and follows the rules in Japan.
The city is very clean and the foods are very delicious.
The first time we came to Japan, It was Hokkaido.
Hokkaido was so beautiful, the air was also very refreshing.
・Did you have any problems living in Japan?
The summer is very hot in Osaka.
When we moved from Hokkaido to Osaka, it was totally different and it took some time to get used to the environment.
I prefer Hokkaido's weather, but the food in Osaka is better.
And everything was assisted by the company like apartment and cell phone contracts.
We had no big problems at all and we are grateful to the company.
・How did you know about YOLO JAPAN?
YOLO Advertisements popped up when I opened Facebook.
・How did you find the job?
YOLO recommends that we should apply for more than 10 applications, so I applied a lot.
At first, I was hesitant to apply for so many jobs because I thought that all companies would contact me for an interview after the applications.
But now I'm glad I applied a lot.
・What jobs have you applied for?
I applied if I met at least one of the conditions.
I applied to all the jobs that do not require Japanese such as hotel, restaurant and English school.
And I got offers from the hotel, restaurant, and fashion industry.
・How about the YOLO JAPAN website?
Organize and so I can easily find a job that suits me.
It's easy to navigate.
・What is your current job?
I work at Ecommerce thrift shop.
I don't need fluent Japanese, so I can say it's an easy job.
I work as a part timer, because my VISA is a dependent visa.
・How many days a week do you work?
I work 4 days a week, 7 hours a day.
I have been working there for two months now.
・Are there any other foreign staff?
Yes, there are some foreigners from the Philippines, India, and Vietnam.
・What do you like about your current job?
Everyone's so friendly and helpful.
I think because most of the employees are around 20s and 30s, almost the same age as me.
They know I can only speak easy Japanese, so they don’t use difficult KEIGO.
I can also use Google or use the translator.
And since it's a fashion industry, I can just wear T-shirts.
I don't have to be formal, everyone's laid back.
It's very relaxing and there’s no overwork, I can finish on time.
・Do you want to continue living in Japan?
Yes, we want to get a permanent residence in Japan.
I heard that one of the requirements to apply for permanent residence is to have lived in Japan for 10 years.
We can just stay in Japan for another five years, and then we will get permanent residence, that would be great.
User D was not feeling very positive about coming to Japan at first, but after experiencing Japanese culture and delicious food, she decided to continue living in Japan. She has also found a great job.
We will continue to support her in getting a permanent residence!!
You can also try to find a job at YOLO JAPAN like user D did.
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